
Build date: 08/28/2007

Since version there is the program variant Winweigh Light. The further development of both variants is proceeding in parallel. Improvements may affect Winweigh Plus only, Winweigh Light only, or both. In order to keep the administrative effort for naming the improvements small but still maintain a complete overview of the novelties, a marking at the end of each novelty has been introduced:

[+/L] – concerns both variants
[+] – concerns Winweigh Plus only
[L] – concerns only Winweigh Light

This document describes the differences as of version

Search revised [+/L]
When searching via the quick search dialogs (QuickSearchDialog) or the search filters in the master data windows (F3 key), an asterisk (instead of the percent sign (%) is now used as a placeholder. The logic of the search has also been simplified. A search string is now interpreted as begin like or occur. Begin as means the match at the beginning of a searched term in the number of given characters. If, for example, the search term Falk is used to search for names in addresses, the addresses Falkner GmbH and Falk Erich will be found.When searching for occurrences, the search term must be preceded by an asterisk (*). In this form, the given string is searched in the entire field. For example, if you want to display all addresses that contain the term GmbH in the Name field, the search term is *GmbH. The result is: Estriche Kuninger GmbH, Falkner GmbH, Faltermeier GmbH, etc. The search is not case sensitive. The examples given here have been made with the data from the demo database.
Support of bitmaps in print templates (ReportBuilder) [+].
When creating documents, an image in bitmap format can be assigned to them. It is saved in the database or as an external file. When printing such a document, the image can be loaded and printed. Until now, only static bitmaps, i.e. images that were statically inserted at the time the artwork was designed, could be used. This functionality is usually applied on a job-by-job basis, because it is always the source of the bitmap (signature on a touch panel, photo from a digital camera, etc.) that determines the application form.
New form system Extra [+]
The introduction of the Extra form is a consistent further development of the program standard. It is designed to manage tables with numerical values. The number of values per record is limited to twelve. A record is identified by a unique identifier and a 50-character name. The number of records is unlimited. Using the standard customizing in the field settings, the formlar can be assigned the designations that the customer is accustomed to.
Swiss waste management: Monitoring according to VeVA replaces VVS [+].
In the Swiss waste management industry, the previous VVS system has been replaced by the so-called VeVA (Ordinance on the Transport of Waste). The main innovations are:

    • Adoption of the EU waste catalog, adapted with CH-specific changes
    • New waste category “other waste subject to control (ak)” (e.g. waste according to VREG list, waste wood, used tires, end-of-life vehicles, mixed scrap, used cooking oil, cables). These wastes may be transported domestically without a consignment bill.
    • New consignee permit and annual reporting requirement for “other waste subject to control.”
    • New accompanying certificate for domestic traffic. This can also be filled out online via the Internet and printed out locally (veva-online).
    • The notification of the received hazardous waste can be recorded online on the Internet or transmitted as a file via the Internet to the central computer (veva-online).
    • Nine-digit VeVA company number instead of the eight-digit VVS company number.
    • Publication of VeVA establishment numbers on the Internet (veva-online).
    • Publication of CH waste management companies on the Internet (veva-online).
    • The company numbers are issued by the cantons,
Extension of the order management [+]
Some new functions have been introduced in the handling of order management, which have resulted from experience gained through the use of Winweigh Plus by various customers. In detail, these are:

    • Specifying an Other Customer – In addition to the previous customers and carrier, a third date, an Other Customer, can now be specified for an order. Consequently, this date can also be specified as the invoice recipient.
    • Printing jobs – A job can be printed using a newly introduced button in the Job view. The appearance is determined by the new print template Pfister-Auftrag.rtm. Customer-specific print templates are of course also supported as part of the variable print management.
    • Support of temporary orders – If the internal organization of the company is such that the work at the scale is basically done only or mostly through orders, and at the time of an operation at the scale such an order does not yet exist, it is possible to help oneself through a so-called temporary order, without having to give up the usual document-to-order relationship. At the moment of initiating a new operation, for which an order is missing, the operator can enter the data on the document as far as they are known. In the order record, a document is marked as such via the newly introduced temporary order button (to the right of the order number). The program automatically assigns a temporary (negative) order number, creates it in the order management and assigns the document to it. The process can subsequently be completed as usual. The temporary order number will be replaced by a concrete one at a later stage in the order management. The reference to the generated document is automatically set correctly by the program.
New discounting [+/L]
The present version has been prepared for improved discounting on the part of the database and master data forms. The complete implementation, so that it is possible to work with it, will be realized in the next version due to time constraints.
New form of cashless payment ECash [+/L].
Winweigh now supports a so-called ECash function. This allows bank or credit cards to be accepted in the weighing operation for cash payments. The necessary technical equipment must be obtained from the provider of such services.
New client parameter “Preset VeVA site number” [+].
This parameter defines which abbreviation of the clods “Customer”, “Transporter” or “Other” should be used in the weighing mode to determine the VeVA site number from the customer master.
New plant parameter “Cash amount lower limit” [+/L].
Negative prices result from offsetting; i.e. a receivable is offset against a liability or vice versa. From a fund’s perspective, a negative amount is a withdrawal. Due to the possibility to settle negative prices as well, this parameter can be used to set the lower limit for an amount. A negative amount of -1000.00 means: withdrawals up to 1000.00 of the set main currency are allowed.
New system parameter “Cash payment-acceptance-allowed” [+/L].
This new parameter allows the limits set by the settings of the system parameters Manual correction cash amount-p and Manual correction cash amount to refuse to accept cash payments.
New client parameters “Discount rule” and “Discount mode” for extended discount calculation [+/L].
The new parameters serve to expand the discounting options. The discount rule (RVS) defines the discount data from the master data – related to the determined net price of a material – to be used for the application of the discount calculation. It is composed of a list of terms (e.g. construction site;customer;customer2;material), each separated by a semicolon (“;”). The way of discount calculation for the client is determined by the definition of the discount mode. Entries such as “priority”, “cumulative” or “RVS subtotal” then determine the calculation of the discount.
Lookup form: New lookup group Order ID [+].
A new lookup group Order ID and in it a new setting Order (3501) have been introduced.
Year-end closing form: Wizard revised [+/L].
The Winweigh-Light version now displays only the existing number ranges. The transfer of budgets can be performed only if the corresponding license is available for it.
Extension of the data delete wizard [+/L].
Deleting the entries of the ECASH_ table (ECash operations) has been integrated into step 4 of the data delete wizard.
Form packing: Tare also negative [+/L].
The value of the tare can now also be entered as a negative value.
New form Extra introduced [+]
The form was introduced for the realization of customer-specific tasks. It has a neutral design and offers the possibility to manage data conveniently.
Field Settings form: New data type Colour [+]
In the field settings, the setting Colour can now be specified under Data type. In the form of a field defined in this way, a color can be specified as an RGB value via a selection dialog. This form is used for special projects, such as visualization of bunker stands of a waste incineration plant.
Form VeVA declarations: originated from the former VVS declarations [+].
The existing form VVS-Deklarationen was modified so that it meets the requirements of VeVA. Essentially, it is the consignment note number that has been newly introduced.
Form material: New field minimum quantity [+].
In the course of implementing the VeVA functionality, the Minimum Quantity field was introduced. A value specified in this field decides whether the functionality according to VeVA is applied or not. The minimum quantity can be used to control the acceptance of small deliveries by private individuals.
Form customers/budget: Default weekly values [+].
In the Budgets tabs of the Customer and Material forms, both monthly and weekly targets can now be specified. The corresponding form is selected using the Monthly or Weekly values buttons.
Form customers: Input possibility of customer discount 2 [+/L].
In customer data, a second discount can now be specified in the Customer discount 2 field.
Form price lists: Input possibility of a material discount [+/L].
A material discount can now be specified in the price list.
Form price lists: Copy price lists revised [+/L].
When copying price lists, the empty price fields are no longer assigned the value 0; they now remain empty.
Form price lists: price display improved [+/L].
The overview display of the materials of a price list was revised. If the material abbreviation and the designation-1 of a price list

    • is shown with a gray color change, the material is not included in the price list,
    • is displayed on a white background, it is included in the price list and at least one price is recorded,
    • is marked with red color change, it is probably included in the price list, but no price is specified.
Form orders: New free fields now customizable via field settings [+].
The new fields FREISTRING7 and FREISTRING8 can now be customized via the field settings, just like the existing free fields.
Orders form: New field Other Customer [+]
An order can now be assigned an additional date from Customers/Shippers – an Other Customer -, which can also be selected as the invoice recipient.
Form orders: New function Print [+]
In the Job tab, the current job can now be printed using the button with the printer icon located to the right of the Processed marker.
Form orders>Positions: Material input, depending on the direction of goods [+].
When specifying a material abbreviation in an order item, only those materials are now offered for selection that are released in the material master for the material direction specified in the order.
Form orders>Positions: Extension of the display of the material name [+].
In the overview and the individual display of the order items, the material name is now displayed in its full length, 50 characters instead of the previous 20.
Form orders>Positions: Extension of input for unit [+]
In addition to kg, t, pcs. and m³, l, m and m² are additionally specified as units of the target and actual quantities.
Orders form>Vehicle assignments: New Unassign Orders button [+].
In the Vehicle assignments tab of the orders, the previous Assign fixed order button has been extended. The function Assign fixed order is offered if a selected vehicle is not permanently assigned to an order. If the selected vehicle is already permanently assigned to an order, the button changes its mode of operation to Unassign order. Click to cancel the assignment.
Invoice form: Possibility of subsequent change / specification of an invoice address [+].
The billing address can now be changed at any time, even when the invoice has been completed, by selecting an address shortcut or by entering it manually.
VWP error messages updated [+].
The error messages of the VWP communication have been updated due to the new VWP version 2.x.
New function ECash [+/L]
The ECash functionality is divided into two areas: Functions that can be accessed via the new ECash menu and the processing of a transaction in the weighing operation when a payment is made. The ECash operations are divided into the functions Login (shift start), Logoff (shift end) and the daily closing. These are necessary operations that have to be performed every day while ECash research is an information system about all settled transactions. For example, an original document can be reprinted.
Extension of the cashier dialog “Collect cash invoice” [+/L]
Cashiering has been improved by some functions. In detail, these are:

    • New payment method ECash. In this form, the dialog is extended to handle and track the interaction of the electronic payment. The amount to be paid is proposed. The transaction can be tracked via an ECash display and a receipt can be created via the ECash printer. An uncompleted transaction can be canceled. One completed canceled.
    • Small quantity surcharge switched on / off. At the time of checkout, a small quantity surcharge may be added to the amount to be paid.
    • Cash invoices with negative amount possible. Negative amounts can now also be collected. However, the amounts must be equal to or greater than the value from the asset parameter “Cash amount lower limit”.
    • New functionality “Accept payment anyway”. It is activated via the system parameter Cash payment-accept-allowed, and allows accepting payments that are outside the limits set via the system parameters Manual correction cash amount-p and Manual correction cash amount. The consent must be expressed by entering the word YES and a reason for acceptance must be given.
New function Restore original state in context menu in overviews [+/L].
The Restore Original function has been added to the context menu in all overviews. It discards changed settings and restores the original state of columns and fields in overviews.
Date of last change and Changed by on correction are retained [+/L].
A change of the data in the clods customer (KUNNR), building site (BAUNR), invoice recipient (DEBKUNDENNR), place of delivery (LIEFERORT), document date (DATUMBELEG) or document identification (BELEGKENNUNG) in the header data does not lead any more to the takeover of the change date and Changed by in the delivery items of the document.
Extension of the delivery items by the field “Unit” [+].
The Unit field has been added to the delivery items. When taking over an order, the unit of the order item used is taken over. This makes it possible to specify other units for the target and actual quantities besides weights.
Transfer of the new free fields of an order into the document [+].
The new free fields seven and eight (FREISTRING7, FREISTRING8) are now transferred to the document (table SUPPLY_) when an order is selected.
Weight even without material [+/L]
If no material is specified for an item, but a weight has been entered, the calculated net value is transferred to the settlement value (ABRWERT) and entered as the weight unit kg.
Improvement of the display of the additional tare [+/L].
When entering an additional tare, the system parameter Weight display unit is now taken into account.
Input of negative tare is now possible [+/L].
A negative value can now be entered in the Packing tare, Additional tare and Additional tare percent fields. If different packages are used at the time of the first and second weighing, a negative value of the additional tare may result arithmetically. Example: A vehicle comes to the second weighing with a different, heavier container than the one it had loaded at the time of the first weighing.
Sorting in Scholle packaging revised [+/L].
The name selection list in Scholle Packaging was sorted by packaging abbreviation instead of packaging name.
New plaice Other customers [+]
The Customer 2 plaice has been renamed to Other Customer and extended with address fields as they exist at the Customer or Forwarder. The newly introduced button can now also be used to create a data record in Customers / Forwarders with the feature Other.
Transfer of address data Other customer from order to document [+].
When transferring an order to a document, the address data of Other customer is transferred from the order to the document.
The invoice recipient can now also be Other customer [+].
In the Invoice recipient (PAYER) slab, the Other customer can now be specified in addition to Customer and Forwarder.
New clods VeVA operating no. and VeVA [+]
To implement the new legal provision of Swiss waste management according to VeVA, the Schollen VeVA company no. (VVSBETRIEBSNUMMER) and at item level VeVA (VEVA) with the input fields for the waste code and the consignment note number. introduced. Monitoring of this information is controlled by the VeVA monitoring and minimum quantity of material used setting.
Improved operation of the floe invoice recipient [+/L].
The Other Customer can now also be specified as the invoice recipient. The selection can now be made in a downwards expandable lister.
A lookup group can now be assigned to the free floes [+].
A name of a lookup group can now be assigned to the freely assignable fields in the document header (SUPPLY_) and the line items (SUPPLYPOS_). This may be done either via the field settings of the weighing pattern (priority) or in the parameterization of the floe in the weighing pattern. If, for example, the lookup group Waegebetrieb-Ja/Nein is assigned to the floe FREISTRING1, it will later only be possible to choose between the settings Ja and Nein.
Change of behavior of the plaice address [+].
The plaice address (ADDRESS) is now autonomous. Their behavior no longer depends on a special parameter. The change resulted from the introduction of the also autonomous Other Customer (CUSTOMER2) floe.
Extending the Job clod with the temporary job function [+].
In the Order floe, a temporary (=negative) order number can now be assigned to a document via a button located to the right of the order number. When closing the document, a new order is created with the data of the document.
Selection dialog for responsible declaration revised [+].
The selection dialog for specifying a responsible declaration (CE) – it is opened if more than one CE exists in the waste approval for the specified material , has been extended so that now the EN no. and the origin no. be displayed completely.
Default setting for the Print function changed [+/L].
When printing an already printed document again, the default setting in the Confirm Repeat Print dialog is now the Yes button.
Extension of the Split function to specify a waste approval [+/L].
When splitting, an existing waste disposal certificate and responsible responsible declaration are now automatically assigned after the material has been specified.
When splitting off, Other Customer can now also be specified as the invoice recipient [+].
In the Split off dialog, the Other customer can now also be specified as the invoice recipient.
Display of the Split dialog in the Windows XP design now without slider bar [+/L].
Under Windows XP with the Windows-XP theme (the so-called Luna environment; see setting of theme in tab Designs of Start Settings Control Panel Display) no slider bars are displayed now.
Extension of the function Split off by the specification of a waste approval [+/L].
In the dialog of the Split function, an existing waste approval or an existing responsible declaration can now be selected for the customer and the specified material. This information is only available if the client’s waste disposal records are licensed.
New function print in the overview documents [+/L].
A Print button is now available in the Receipts tab. It has the same effect as the Print button in the Weighing view.
New function Assign order in the overview Documents [+].
A button Assign order is now available in the Documents tab. In this way, an order that did not exist at the time of document entry can be subsequently assigned to a document that has already been completed.
Complete revision of the loading function and the associated dialog [+].
The rigid functionality of loading has been replaced by a flexible concept with an independent loading dialog and a dedicated new scripting interface. The main features are:

    • Display revision – The loading dialog now shows the scale name and the active scale bridges. The vehicle display now refers to both vehicle and wagon, depending on what is currently being loaded.
    • New button Silo change – This button can be used to call up the so-called UserDialog, which has also been newly introduced. It allows silo change during loading. It is the task of the implementation to configure the UserDialog in such a way that the storage locations assigned to the material are read in.
New method CreateSignatureBox() in the Screen object in the TTouchscreen class
The method allows creating a signature field on the screen. A signature created with a finger or a suitable tool (pen) can be stored in the database or externally as a bitmap file and, if necessary, edited. be printed on the receipt.
New ini parameter AllowMultiBlockReceive in the TSimpleText class.
Specifies whether the PC should allow multiple contiguous blocks of data on receive or not.
New class TMercury
For the connection of the explosion-proof terminal SPECTRA-TEK UK LTD 2e the class TMercury is available now.
Pfister order.rtm
It allows to print orders.
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