
Build date: 17.09.2009

Since version there is the program variant Winweigh Light. The further development of both variants is proceeding in parallel. Improvements may affect Winweigh Plus only, Winweigh Light only, or both. In order to keep the administrative effort for naming the improvements small but still maintain a complete overview of the novelties, a marking at the end of each novelty has been introduced:

[+/L] – concerns both variants
[+] – concerns Winweigh Plus only
[L] – concerns only Winweigh Light

This document describes the differences as of version

New report designer supports various output formats and email [+/L].
The new version of the Report Designer now allows saving a report in an electronic format in addition to output to a printer. PDF, TXT and RTF formats are supported, as well as forwarding the report by e-mail.
New glyphs for menu and functions, navigator and new program icons [+/L].
WinWeigh now has new logos. For the quick selection within the master data, a glive (small symbol for selection) has been included for each menu item.

    • The navigator bar has also been given a new look.
    • Each program now has a new icon that has a logical relation to its task.
New system parameter “Mandatory payer specification” [+/L].
This is only evaluated by the Weighing program module. The forced entry of an invoice recipient (payer) can now be switched on/off via this.
Behavior of “Invoice recipient” changed [+/L].
The mandatory specification of an invoice recipient in the vehicle presetting, in the order or in the document is no longer required. If one is nevertheless specified, it must always be either the customer, the forwarder or the other_customer. All other values are invalid.
New system parameter “Billing sort SR create” [+].
This parameter can be used to achieve the sequence of automatic assignment of the booking number of a collective invoice (at the time of invoicing) according to customer abbreviation (DEBNR) or customer name (RENAME). The booking number is also the criterion for collective printing of invoices. Depending on the settings, the collective invoices can now be printed sorted accordingly. Practical application: Filing of invoices by invoice number, customer abbreviation (-number ) or name possible.
New plant parameter “Plaice color name” [+/L].
These new parameters allow to use a separate background color depending on the situation of the selected data within the relevant clods plant/client, goods direction and document identifier. Plaice color name stands for:

    • Plaice color plant
    • Plaice color WR goods receipt
    • Plaice color WR goods output
    • Floe color WR rearrangement
    • Plaice color WR-Not fixed.
    • Plaice color BN delivery bill
    • Plaice color BN cash invoice
    • Plaice color BN hay certificate
    • Plaice color BN flat rate wg
Elemination of no longer existing currencies, introduction of new [+/L].
  • Old EU currencies that are no longer valid have been eliminated: ‘DEM’, ‘BEF’, ‘LUF’, ‘FIM’, ‘FRF’, ‘IEP’, ‘ITL’, ‘NLG’, ‘ATS’, ‘PTE’, ‘ESP’, ‘GBP’.
  • New European currencies: ‘HUF’, ‘PLN
  • New international currencies: ‘ETB’, ‘JOD’, ‘IRR’, ‘IQD’, ‘SDG’, ‘XXX’.

‘XXX’ is a special, neutral currency. It is to be used whenever it is a currency that is not supported by Winweigh.

Tare history of change of stored and manual tare of a vehicle [+/L].
Each change of hand tare and stored tare of a vehicle is logged in a history. This history can be queried at any time via the statistics Pfister-Historie-FahrzeugTara.qu4.
Renaming of the designation EAK to AVV [+].
In the following places have now finally been renamed to the “new” official designation:

    • Waste management EWC Waste management AVV
      • EWC code Waste code
      • EAK Designation Waste designation
      • EAK group Waste group
      • EAK Article 1/4 Article 1/4
    • Master data material
      • EWC number Waste code
      • In need of monitoring dangerous
Revision of the weighing program [+/L].
The previous overviews were replaced by a new component, which is able to present the data in a new form and offers the possibility to perform various evaluations online. This gives you an inexhaustible supply of filtering options.
Support of the new discount calculation in the test pricing [+/L].
The test price determination applies the discount calculation according to the setting of the client parameters Discount rule and Discount mode.
Revision of the input for vehicles [+/L]
It is now only mandatory to specify the invoice recipient if a customer/forwarder is specified and the WinWeigh Plus -Faktura module is available. The way of selecting the invoice recipient was taken over from the Orders module.
Revision of the input for orders [+]
It is now only mandatory to specify the invoice recipient if a Customer/Freight Forwarder or Other Customer is specified and the WinWeigh Plus Invoice module is available.
Revision of the display in the WinWeigh Plus billing module [+].
The display of the delivery note header has been supplemented with the missing fields.
Revision of the display in table Price lists [+/L].
Now only those materials are displayed that are assigned to the attachments of the current client.
Disposal certificates [+]
New field “Show weighing” introduced. This can be used to control the display of a disposal certificate in the weighing. Only waste approvals with the “Show weighing” switch active are displayed for selection.
Construction sites [+/L]
New field “locked” introduced in construction sites. This can be used to control the display of a construction site in cradles. Blocked construction sites are no longer displayed for selection.
Authorization system for weighing introduced. [+/L]
Within the authorization assignment in the master data module, an authorization can now also be assigned for the weighing module. Thus, for example, the creation of new master data from the Weighing module can now be explicitly prevented, or the deletion of a yard list entry can only be allowed for certain groups of persons,
Change when copying a price list [+/L].
When copying a price list, the value of the material discount is now also copied to the copy.
Invoice: Payment term from construction site is now taken over [+].
When billing the documents of an invoice recipient with the setting Invoicing mode=per job site(32003), a possibly specified payment condition in the job site is now taken into account when creating invoice.
Invoice: Share of “hidden freight” is now based on the quantity in the document [+].
The approach of adding the prices of all freight items and allocating this amount to all weighing items in equal parts led to the fact that different unit prices / ME were displayed for the same materials when printing invoices. Freight is now divided into groups of equal materials and calculation units. When determining the total amount of all line items, the material type (except freight) was not taken into account. For example, when using material types “Material and “Service”, a freight share was also assigned to the document item “Services”. The freight amount is now calculated only from items of material type “Material” (36001).
Invoice: Invoice address is taken over when crediting [+].
The invoice address will now be taken over when crediting.
Billing: Use special price from delivery items [+]
If a special price (special discount, -price / ME or -total price) was specified in Weighing, at the time of document creation, it will be calculated.
New representation of data in overviews [+/L].
The new component has the following features, among others:

    • Common display of document data and items
    • Sort within columns
    • Online grouping of data by columns by simply dragging the column name to the overview header.
    • Immediate summation of grouped data when changing groups
    • Possibility to apply aggregate functions, such as summation, count, minimum, maximum and average at the end of the overview.
    • Incremental search in columns by simply typing in the search term

and several other useful functions

Extension of the plaice prices net to use the new discount calculation [+/L].
The existing floe was modified so that

    • the discount calculation applied is evident,
    • the determined discount rates are displayed, and
    • for the material item either a discount percentage, amount, special price / settlement quantity or special price can be specified as the total price for the material. Only one entry can be made at a time.

Via a button, similar to the function of creating new master data in the weighing mode, the display of price and discount calculation can be switched alternately.

Free fields now turn yellow when selected [+/L].
Selecting a freely defined database field within the weighing pattern now provides it with a yellow background; the selected area is then more clearly visible.
A cancelled cash invoice now receives the time stamp of the cancellation [+/L].
When reversing a cash invoice, a cash entry was written with the dates of the original cash invoice document. Consequently, in Winweigh cash registers, the cancelled document was displayed before the actual document. The chronology was not quite correct. When canceling, the time stamp of the cancellation is now written as the (document) date.
Invoice recipient in weighing no longer mandatory input [+/L].
The invoice recipient now only has to be mandatory if a customer/forwarder or Other customer is specified and the system parameter “Mandatory payer specification” is set to 1.
Input field for wagon revised [+].
The input field in the “Wagon” floe has been widened slightly (now has the same width as “Packing”).
Display in tab orders revised [+]
Now only those orders are displayed where the field “completed” (AUFTRAG_.FERTIG_SW) is deactivated.
Revision of the automatic freight calculation [+/L].
If the client parameter “Auto-freight-determination-off” is set to 1 and a document with construction site and freight was created, an error message occurred when selecting the freight material. If the client parameter “Auto-freight-determination-off” is set to 1, then up to now, after manual selection of a freight material, only the weight and the freight kilometers were used to determine the billing and scale quantity. Other units such as cubic meters or pieces do not. This has now been extended.
Enhancement of the display in the table Documents and Orders [+].
The document and order items are now each displayed in their own grid.
Revision when working with orders [+]
If a delivery date was entered for an order, this was taken over as the document date in the new document. Now, with document creation, the current date or the manually entered date is used as the document date.
Default setting for document identifier revised [L].
In WinWeigh-Light the default setting for the document identifier was not considered.
Revision of the functions for free fields [+/L].
The setting “Mandatory input” is now also taken into account for free fields used.
Revision of the selection tables [+/L].
In the dialog “Select an entry” (TfrmPickOneOfMany), which is used among other things for selecting a freight material (if more than one suitable one was found), the table columns can now be sorted by clicking on a title. In addition, the dialog can now be enlarged as desired.
Color representation of the selected entry [+/L].
The colors of the clods “Plant/client”, “Document number” and “Direction of goods” can now be changed via the new plant parameters “Clod color XXX”.
Revision of the floes at scaling [+/L].
The scaling of clods now takes into account the width of the DropDown lists in the input lines (TSearchDBEdits).
Change in the selection of disposal certificates [+].
Only those waste approvals are now displayed for selection for which the “Display weighing” field is active in the waste approval (NACHWEIS_EN_.WIEGEN_ANZEIGEN_SW).
Revision of the new creation of vehicles from weighing [+/L].
When creating a new vehicle, both the license plate number and the vehicle code are now transferred to the dialog. The designation “Abbreviation” in the dialog has been renamed to the more appropriate designation “Indicator”.
Weighing now with authorization system [+/L].
Authorization system introduced. The parameterization can be reached under the master data module.
Start weighing without checking for time of WinWeigh server [+].
The command line parameter /LOGIN now bypasses the setting of the system parameter “Time tolerance”. I.e., the time difference between DB server and client is not checked.
Revision of the operation in weighing [+/L].
A data record from “Open vouchers”, “Collective vouchers”, “Receipts” and “Orders” can now each be transferred via a button, double-click or Enter.
New discount calculation is taken into account when creating a collective invoice. [+]
If a special price (special discount, -price / ME or -total price) was specified in Weighing, at the time of document creation, it will be calculated.
Support of the new electronic output formats of the report designer [+/L].
The Quaestor also supports the new output formats (see General).
Revision DATEV interface [+]
The interface can now also transfer cost centers
New statistics Pfister-History-VehicleTara.qu4 [+/L]
It allows to query the change history of stored tare values of a vehicle.
General to stored tare values [+/L].
In all standard print templates, no date and time are now printed for weights that go back to a stored tare (hand tare or stored tare) from the vehicle master. The weight is still marked with the PT abbreviation.
New fields FEDERATION, DISTRICT, COUNTY, SELECTION, LENGTH and WIDTH. They were introduced for the purpose of statistical evaluations. It is now possible to draw conclusions about the location (such as district and county) based on the postal code of the data set to be evaluated. By using longitude and latitude, geographical evaluation is also possible. Of course, these data can be transferred to external program for graphical display.
Delivery items [+/L]
New fields ABRWERT_FAKTOR and STAFFELWERT_FAKTOR. The value of these fields is multiplied by the corresponding billing value (ABRWERT) or scale value (STAFFELWERT). The products are then used as the basis for calculating the price. Thus, they allow to influence the original billing and scale value when calculating the price.
New table FAHRZEUGTARA_ [+/L]
Stores any changes to a vehicle’s hand tare and stored tare.
Vehicle import change [+]
When importing vehicles, the license plate number (FAHRZEUG) and the vehicle code (FZGCODE) are now always converted to upper case.
Change of the FIBU interface: Transfer of revenue accounts and cost centers [+].
A new procedure ProExportFIBUKontenKST() now allows the simultaneous transfer of revenue accounts and cost centers in the FIBU interface.
Automatic mode: Collective document only with corresponding setting in customer [+].
A collective document is now only created in automatic or semi-automatic mode if the setting Collective document=always is selected.
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