WinWeigh Plus

Weighing data management system – WinWeigh Plus. The modularly designed software that adapts to your operations, not the other way around. Due to the extensive configuration options, almost any of your tasks can be achieved without mutating into a special application. Your investment security is guaranteed.
The requirements of the market with experience from installations in the order of a four-digit number can be seen in the new versions.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are a compilation of frequently asked questions and the corresponding answers on the subject of WinWeigh Plus.
In the hope that we can also briefly answer your question here, we have compiled a few points.
Yes. As of version, the function is available. A MicroSD card with USB adapter is used as a security device in accordance with legal requirements.
Yes. With each installation, the commissioning engineer also sets up the data backup. For all relevant files (configuration settings, print images, statistics, …), as well as the backup of the database, an archive is created, which can be saved on an external medium for storage.
No. The only decisive factor is that it is a Microsoft Windows® operating system. The SQL database used is platform independent and is part of the scope of WinWeigh.
With WinWeigh version the necessary fields for entering the data for the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) have been included. The entry of IBAN (International Banking Account Number) and BIC (Bank Identifier Code) are thus possible. The direct integration of a SEPA conversion is currently not planned. Export of existing bank data (bank, sort code, account) for transfer to a SEPA conversion tool and import into WinWeigh Plus is possible.
Yes. This enables e.g. a separate customer master (own payment terms etc.) per client. Multiple attachments can also be defined within each individual client.
Yes. Please consider the system requirements. Particular attention must be paid to the connection of the weighing technology and possibly other components via suitable interfaces.
Yes; WinWeigh’s pressure control allows plant-oriented pressure. Within an attachment, the impression is organized by document identifier. The following document identifiers are available to WinWeigh Plus:
- Delivery bill (formal weighing document)
- Cash invoice (with cashier dialog)
- Weighing certificate (e.g. for external weighing)
- Lump sum weighing (like delivery bill)
- Accompanying certificate
- Takeover certificate
- Offer
- Order
- Cash journal
- Collective invoice
- Credit
- Single invoice
- Reminders
- ECashShift
- ECashTransaction
- ECashTagesabschluss
Several print templates can be defined per document identifier. The definition of pressure conditions allows a situation-related limitation of the pressure. For example: “Print only document “Shipping paper” for material “xyz”.
Yes. WinWeigh Plus is able to store several delivery items for one process due to the sophisticated data structure with header and position data. The biggest challenge for using collective receipts is often how to display them on the existing weighing forms. Part of the standard forms of WinWeigh Plus are also collective documents for delivery and cash invoices.
Yes. With the help of electronic payment systems, such as card terminals from the company “TeleCash GmbH & Co. KG”, cashless payment transactions can be carried out directly with the creation of the weighing receipt (as a cash invoice). WinWeigh supports the OPI (Open Payment Initiative) protocol. The possibility of connecting any existing card terminals must be checked on a case-by-case basis.
Yes. As of WinWeigh version, the required data for handling the Construction Products Regulation (BauPVO) can be integrated. In addition to the requirements of the CE marking, the definition of the declaration of performance per product can also be realized. The new BauPVO applies from 01.07.2013.
Management of multiple companies within one application. Separate evaluations / own address-oriented master data per client. Within one client the administration of several plants is possible.
Modular structure
Optimally adaptable to your task by selecting the required modules. Can also be expanded at a later date. Information once created (master data, invoices, delivery documents, settings, ...) is retained.
Extensive evaluations
The proprietary statistics module Quaestor provides extensive evaluation options / balancing / transfer to third-party systems. The scope can be expanded at any time. The adaptation of the standard to a corporate identity is possible.
Own reporting
Due to the free definition of pressure condition and pressure control, the plant-oriented pressure can be adjusted according to situation / location / user / verified data quantity (e.g. quantity not entered).
full / program support of currently following languages:
- german
- english
- french
- italian
- slovak
- spanish
- romanian
- lithuanian
Setting is done depending on the country setting of the operating system or manually. Expandable upon request.
Integration of identification devices or signaling systems (such as card readers / touch screens / barriers / badge systems / traffic lights / light barriers / labeling systems / ...) into the weighing process are quickly installed by standardized / scripting-based program interfaces or can be adapted to your ideas without much programming effort.
You can find an example of one of the many possibilities under