
Build date: 15.05.2013

Since version there is the program variant Winweigh Light. The further development of both variants is proceeding in parallel. Improvements may affect Winweigh Plus only, Winweigh Light only, or both. In order to keep the administrative effort for naming the improvements small but still maintain a complete overview of the novelties, a marking at the end of each novelty has been introduced:

[+/L] – concerns both variants
[+] – concerns Winweigh Plus only
[L] – concerns only Winweigh Light

This document describes the differences as of version

Online help reworked [+/L].
The online help known within the master data – accessible via F1 key – has been extensively revised.
new field for table eDisposal certificates [+].
New table field (NW_EANV_.ENGRNR) has been created to introduce a “verification group” within the waste disposal records.
new field for accompanying documents table [+].
For the color representation of the accompanying documents based on the last layer (from eANV portal), the table of accompanying documents received an additional field (NW_BGS_.BGSLayer).
new client parameters: E-mail dispatch now automatable [+].
With the help of newly introduced client parameters, it is possible to set up the sending of documents (weighing operations/invoices). The manual execution up to the fully automatic dispatch, incl. Assignment of e-mail addresses, can be set.
New function “Check for update [+/L]
Within the info dialog, the user is now given the possibility to inform himself about the version status of his WinWeigh via a link to the Internet.
Manual cash entry now with date assignment [+/L].
When performing a manual entry within the cash book, the date can now be edited. The sorting of the cash entry by date is preserved. Manual sorting per column is possible.
Online help revised [+/L]
The online help (F1) was not taken into account in the extension according to plant-oriented storage of vehicle presettings. This has been made up for herewith.
Billing module: Assignment of the current fiscal year improved [+].
When creating a single invoice or credit note, the current fiscal year is now used instead of the selection from the ComboBox within the invoice overview as before. With the previous variant, the last fiscal year was assigned, which (directly after the annual financial statements) did not have to be the current fiscal year.
Invoice module: New function “Send invoice as e-mail” [+].
With the help of new client parameters for controlling the sending and specifying the e-mail recipient(s), the invoices can now be sent via e-mail. The invoice will be sent as an attachment via PDF.
Dunning module: When managing multiple clients, there was ambiguous behavior [+].
If the dunning module was operated with more than one client, the error message “Multiple lines refer to a single query” appeared during the search. The reference to the current client has now been corrected.
Orders module: Handling improved during correction [+]
If an order was copied or corrected with an activated filter, and the filter settings did not correspond to the new data set, the data set of the processed order remained in the display. With correction or copy of an order, the filter is now deleted and the new data record is displayed.
Module eDisposalnachacheise: Evidence can now be grouped [+].
For better statistical evaluation, it is also possible to assign a detection group within the detections. Verification groups are created – as with other groupings – within the Lookup table.
Module eDisposal note: Accompanying/transfer bills now colored according to layer [+].
The consignment notes/transfer bills are now displayed in the same colors as in the portal. The last form layer (lastLayerName) from the eANV portal is used for identification.
Module eDisposal bill of lading: Accompanying/delivery bills can now also be marked as completed in master data [+].
The function “BGS Finished” (complete consignment bill) known from weighing is now also available within the table of consignment bills. In the case of cross-portal processing of consignment notes/transfer bills, it is sometimes the case that the completed message from the portal is not available via WebServices. These consignment bills can now also be marked as finished within the master data from the point of view of WinWeigh Plus.
Improvement of the storage location assignment [+]
If a storage location is entered, it will now be deleted when the material is changed, if the newly selected material is not assigned to this storage location.
Storage location can now be searched by name [+].
If the value 1 is entered in the special parameter for the storage location, the field “Storage name” can also be entered or searched for.
Fixed blemish in vehicle clod [+/L].
With a scaling of the vehicle clod > 100%, entered special parameter 2 and weight unit “kg”, the “g” of “kg” could be seen in the lower area from the hand tare located in the background. This flaw has been fixed.
Invoice module: New function “Send document as e-mail” [+/L].
With the help of new client parameters for controlling the sending and specifying the e-mail recipient(s), the print templates can now be sent via e-mail. In case of automated setting of e-mail sending (and multiple print templates), the first print template is always valid for sending as PDF. Note: When using the ECash function (ECashEnabled=1 / ECash via O.P.I.), sending e-mails with attachments via MAPI is not possible under Outlook or Outlook Express.
New creation of master data from weighing now with country indicator [+/L].
With new creation of address-oriented master data (customer, forwarder, etc.), the location is now determined based on the postal code. The country code is preset by means of the system parameter “Preset country”. The postal code is therefore based on the country code.
New function “Check for update [+/L]
Within the info dialog, the user is now given the possibility to inform himself about the version status of his WinWeigh via a link to the Internet.
Allocation function now also takes AVV into account [+].
When splitting (item is split into several document items before document creation), the AVV number (EWC_CODE) assigned to the material is now also taken into account.
Selection of freight material can now be canceled [+/L].
If more than one suitable freight material was found during automatic freight determination, a selection dialog appears. This dialog could not be canceled; a material had to be selected and the document possibly corrected. Now the dialog is designed to be cancelable.
New floes for “PROBENUMMER” and “POS_PROBENUMMER”. [+]
Corresponding setting options are now available for the manual entry of sample numbers via the WinWeigh’s floe technology. The extension concerns the table of deliveries and their delivery items.
“Unsigned BGS” now also colored [+].
The consignment notes/transfer bills are now displayed in the same colors as in the portal within the “Unsigned BGS” tab (see Open documents). The last form layer (lastLayerName) from the eANV portal is used for identification.
Selection for “Shipment credit/reimbursement” tab revised [+].
When searching for operations to create document-related transportation credits/reimbursements, only released, non-cancelled orders are now displayed.
Behavior of discounting changed [+]
When manually changing the price within the price slab, discount percent was automatically recalculated according to the new values, resulting in undesirable discount percent information. With this change, the calculation of the discount amount is based only on discount% and net amount.
Subsequent assignment of order to document led to error [+].
Within the table of documents, orders can be assigned to created documents. When assigning an order, the error message occurred, which has been fixed.
Performance improvement for the documents table [+/L].
The performance of the search within the documents table has been improved by “disabling the cursor update”.
Performance improvement for the vehicle selection [+/L].
The performance when selecting vehicles via the vehicle list has been improved by “switching off the cursor update”.
Created consignment bill is available immediately [+].
Within the dialog for selecting waste approvals – also directly accessible via CTRL+F10 – it is possible to create a consignment bill for the selected waste approval. When creating a BGS, the newly created BGS is now taken over directly into the database by the eANV web service, so that no new query is required. The consignment bill you have just created is available immediately.
Scripting interface extended [+]
The scripting interface specific to weighing has been extended by the “AwaitShardMemEvent” script function. In addition to the known database event function, there is now a further possibility to pass the sovereignty to external applications up to the “event feedback”.
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