
Build date: 02/17/2022

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Since version there is the program variant Winweigh Light. The development of both variants runs in parallel. Improvements may affect Winweigh Plus only, Winweigh Light only, or both. To distinguish the respective variant, a marking was introduced at the end of each novelty:

[+/L] – affects both variants
[+] – concerns Winweigh Plus only
[L] – concerns only Winweigh Light

This document describes the differences as of version


0000187: Windows11 compatibility [+/L].
Functionality on Microsoft Windows11™ operating system can be confirmed by checking the currently available service packs.


0000197: Revision of standard procedures [+/L].
  • ProWBCopyDocument: Transfer of the current fiscal year / reference to the copied document within the cancellation text.
  • ProWBKopiereLS: Elimination of separate update for Image / Image_Type

Program Master Data (Winweigh)

0000185: Geodata for addresses / table for postal codes [+/L].
The new table for postal codes now allows to edit them.
Within the addresses it is now possible to determine geo-coordinates (longitude & latitude) via nominatim (Internet provided) to the address and to bring them to the view with the help of Internet map provider Google Maps or Open Street Map.
0000186: Coexistence between “OPI” and MAPI [+/L].
For the ECash function via O.P.I (ALSO NOT ECash via cardterm.dll) the flag COINIT_MULTITHREADED is needed. However, this has page effects, which caused sending emails with attachments via MAPI to fail. Using the extension for direct support of Microsoft Outlook® and Mozilla Thunderbird® (via setting TLSPort (-1:Outlook,-2:Thunderbird) this can now be circumvented. For more details see the current description of the configuration settings (INI-Parameter.chm).
0000198: Invoice: Invoice amounts were not updated when price was changed. [+]
In case of change of material price and previous change within invoice header, the invoice amounts were not calculated. This special case is now fixed.
0000200: Invoice: collective invoices could be copied [+].
If after selecting “Copyable only” the invoice ID is set to Collective invoice, the “Copy” function remained active, which allowed to copy a collective invoice. This could result in double billing of delivery documents.
0000201: Dunning: Customer name was not displayed for completed OPs [+].
When searching for open items with “also completed” selected, their address names were not displayed.

Program weighing

0000186: Coexistence between “OPI” and MAPI [+/L].
For the ECash function via O.P.I (ALSO NOT ECash via cardterm.dll) the flag COINIT_MULTITHREADED is needed. However, this has page effects, which caused sending emails with attachments via MAPI to fail. Using the extension for direct support of Microsoft Outlook® and Mozilla Thunderbird® (via setting TLSPort (-1:Outlook,-2:Thunderbird) this can now be circumvented.
0000188: “Other customer was not deleted [+].
When changing/converting the client, the previously made entry for “Other customer” was not deleted. Fixed.
0000188: no query for client/plant if “Apply default” is not active [+].
If no presetting for client/plant is specified within the weighing pattern, the query/selection is made with entry of a vehicle. If this is a master vehicle for which the “Apply preassignment” switch is not active, no query was made for client/plant.
0000198: Open print preview overwrote changes already made [+/L].
If a print preview remained open for a long time and a change was made to the current data set by another process (e.g. set export status to 1 for all completed documents), then this was overwritten with old data after the print preview was closed.

Print templates

Invoice print templates [+]
The incorrect entry for sorting (order clause) within the print condition has been removed in the standard print templates.
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