Things to know

New version

New WinWeigh version is now available Version Particularly worth mentioning are documents marked as settled can now be “released” again Display of the assigned

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New version

New WinWeigh version is now available Version Particularly worth mentioning are Realization TSE according to cash security regulation Simplification / revision of multilingualism automatic

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Change tax rate

As of July 1, 2020, the federal government plans to reduce tax rates. This reduction is planned for half a year. A deferral from 01.01.2021

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Retention periods

How long must receipts / invoices be kept? According to §238 and §257 of the German Commercial Code (HGB), small entrepreneurs or self-employed persons must

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New version

New WinWeigh version is now available Version Particularly worth mentioning are ZUGFeRD method for invoice documents last use for customer/vehicle (for use according to

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